Referring to Trentino context ASUC refer to the associations of collective ownership. There are 108 collective ownership in Trentino. The roles of the association were defined (as mentioned in the documentation of the ASUCS) as:
a) representation of the interest of the associated in front of the State, the Region and the Province and other bodies;
b) promoting and coordinating study and solution, also with articulated proposals, and problems
that highlight the associated;
c) intervening where it is necessary, with their representatives;
d) to consultant and to assist the associates that are in need;
e) promoting local activities and to engage with the local community and institutions.
The understanding of how these principles operate and are implemented in practical terms will be part of the analysis in the S.I.C.O. project.

The case of FAIDA was selected after the first interview with the President of ASUC Trento, Pres. Roberto Giovannini. As a main profile in the context of ASUCs in Trento he suggested to investigate the case of FAIDA because of the fact that the association is quietly young in its formation.
FAIDA is located in the heart of Trento and is part of the local government of Baselga di Pinè. The territory of Baselga di Pinè has 5000 inhabitants, of which 3000 are families, and 300 lives in the territory of FAIDA.

The second case considered in our analysis is the case of FISTO that is located on the west side of Trentino region. FISTO is part of the local government of Spiazzo, that has 1200 inhabitants, and 230 lives in the area of FISTO.
The ASUC is organized and managed by the Committee (composed from 5 members) that is elected from the families, and only head of families can vote, e.g. capifamiglia. The President is the head of the ASUC, and the Administrative staff is involved in the day to day running of administrative tasks.
The association is supported from a deep network of other associations and volunteers that works and cooperate together in order to manage, principally the land. The head of the families that lives in the territory are part of the ASUC as permanent members and have different rights and duties approved from the Committee, principally over lands and woods. Every decision is taken during a general assembly that took place once per year in the community, where the head of families have the right to vote upon the decision to take on the management, control and organization of the duties of ASUC on the territory.